Friday, 18 September 2009

RANT 1- Creative?


I'm a deep thinker and my moments of silence are usually mistaken for intentional rudeness or mute arrogance, my words at times are greeted by perplexed ears as if I'm delivering some backmasking subliminal message. Everything my mind delivers in audio format I mean even if only in that moment, growing as a person has made me realize that my actions won't always marry my words but realizing that in it self is a sign of growth and acceptance. Working in the creative industry I'm careful about what I do and say to individuals I meet some who only exist in this sphere for the "fame". I'm unapolgetic, I don't see myself as "different" my "eccentricity" is my norm. It's unfortunate how blind some creatives are which to me is contradicting as tunnel vision is not something to be celebrated in any field especially a demiurgic one. In an industry where a concept can be claimed, publicized at the bat of an eyelid folks need to know when to open their minds and keep their mouths shut. I'm an optimist in life but a realist when it comes to creativity, I believe you have to be as we live in a new media world where your thought today can be someone else "cash cow" tomorrow. I work hard doing what I love and expressing myself through various mediums, I do this purely because I WANT to, I'm not jumping on a present phase nor yielding to a world where things "seem" more fun and easy. This is just my observing thoughts triggered simply on OBSERVATION! Depth can't be sought without honesty, it's sad when politicians at heart are models in reality, find your craft at your own pace, work on perfecting it with inspiration from your peers and only compete with yourself. Praise is best served spontaneous.

Just a thought... I have those
Me x

1 comment:

Eddie NY said...

WORD!!!!!! the whole thing is just so right and articulate, you are truly gifted. Keep them coming Nickque!