Thursday, 3 September 2009


Just a quick stop for an update as I am a blogger afterall and one must BLOG! lol
this week I have been
-drawing/ mocking up a design I think will elevate any wardrobe... watch this SPACE!!!
-Castings and shoots as usual.
-Fashion Week approaches and parties etc are coming a plenty!
-Finished my two privately commissioned pieces and I've submitted, which takes the load off for now.
-Writing treatments for shoots I have planned, gonna be togging some hot asses over SEPT/OCT! Also writing other things some work but mostly personal (shhhhh), very therapeutic act and recession friendly; shrinks steal... NOT that I require one!!
- Oh and an old belt, one of my denim jackets, scissors and boredom lead me to that saucepot (insert) I also fixed up a shag worthy leather stud piece grrrrr lol!

*dramatic pause* I feel poorly -sniffle sniffle-

ANYWAY I'll be back soon with plenty pictures and NEWS NEW NEWS!! Tattoo time on 14th!! Despite the miserable weather I do love a September month, it's like a naughty leg stroke under the desk at school which is forever in your diary as the day you got "felt up" to which you CONSENTED! ... just me...yah ha!

Cans of love SpecialQ-brew!! xo

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